Center for Working Families
The Center for Working Families (CWF) Program provides wrap-around services to help families impacted by the justice system.
Our Services
Our Services
Help clients apply for TANF, SNAP, or health insurance. Guide them in finding affordable housing. Provide assistance with clothing services. Support clients in accessing food aid.
In financial coaching, we emphasize improving credit scores, creating budgets, making informed purchases, and managing bank accounts. Our coaches help clients enhance financial well-being and build confidence in money management. Better service descriptions lead to more sales.
Make a strong resume that highlights your skills and experience. Practice mock interviews to improve your communication and interview abilities. Learn to explain your past experiences and successes to future employers. Access job openings with your favorite companies.
Our Advancing Your Career Workshop starts with learning about money management, then covers job readiness. You will learn about the job market, recognize your skills, create a resume and cover letter, practice interviews, and develop strategies for discussing your felony history.
We assist adults 25 and older with services, job training, and life skills. Our nine-week Job Readiness Curriculum includes six badges: Mindsets, Self-Management, Learning Strategies, Social Skills, Workplace Skills, and Launch a Career. For those impacted by the criminal justice system, this program includes job readiness training, advanced training with Catapult, and work experience with a potential employer, offering a paid stipend. It helps individuals acquire skills for better jobs and break the cycle of poverty.
Our YES Program staff work with young adults ages 17-24 who have a desire to secure and grow in a job. The program provides financial assistance that helps remove barriers for successful transition to employment including childcare, transportation, training and education, work clothing, and more.
When available are provided to individuals we assist with employment. Work supports come as appropriate work attire (i.e. work boots, uniforms, etc.) as well as transportation until their first paycheck.